Making Fermented Feta Cheeze Without Milk!

One of the fondest memories from my childhood  in Bulgaria was my grandmother Mirkah making Feta cheese. We had a farm in the country and my grandparents used raw organic cow’s and sheep’s milk to create yogurt, butter and cheese. Oh, the flavor and taste…permanently imprinted on my brain. I’ve never eaten Feta cheese close to that my grandmother used to make.

Creating Feta cheese isn’t hard…when you use milk. There are books written about it, videos online, manuals you can download, etc. Making Feta with no milk…quite the opposite. Not only are you using nuts as the base but the fermenting bacteria is a whole different “animal.” Cheese-making theories that apply to dairy cheese do not apply to nut cheese. I know because I’ve tried many different ones. Even the raw food world recipes yielded texture of sour cream rather than hard cheese. What I wanted was slicable, crumble-like cheese and I couldn’t get it.

Just as I was about to give up, somehow I was able to crack the “code.” The creation not only tasted like one but it reminded me of my beloved grandma’s cheese. I jumped up and down with excitement in my small apartment kitchen. One would’ve though I lost my mind. But I was simply ecstatic for being able to create the unthinkable – fermented nut cheeze without the dairy! Yes!!!

Fermented Feta Cheeze: Dill & Garlic, Plain, Herb

Plain Feta Cheeze

Dill & Garlic Feta Cheeze

Herb Feta Cheeze

There is another flavor – Cracked Pepper – which is very delicious too. I’m working on a version with sun-dried tomatoes and Kalamata olives. I love eating this cheeze with raw crackers, crumble it on top of my salads or adding a thin slice to my raw Sun Burgers. The ways to eat it are limitless!

And if you think this cheeze is inferior to dairy cheese, think again. It has millions of healthy bacteria, also known as probiotics, which help restore healthy micro flora balance. If you read my blog “What is Water Kefir and How To Make It”, then you know why probiotics are essential for healthy well-being. Plus, you never have to worry about hormones, pesticides or antibiotics in my cheeze. To find out more about the dangers of consuming dairy products (cheese included), please read my blog “The Ugly Truth About Dairy.”

    The longevity of fermentation is crucial to get the right taste. It shouldn’t be too bland and it shouldn’t be too sour. Room temperature and draining method are also very important. It took me a while to figure it all out. For someone who never made cheese in her life (other than watching grandma), I am absolutely amazed. It goes to show you that with a little imagination, sense of creativity and a lot of determination everything is possible!

    If you have any questions or would like to order, please visit the “Buy Dairy-free Feta Cheeze” tab on top or email me at

    Copyright © 2010 Zoe V. All Rights Reserved

    25 thoughts on “Making Fermented Feta Cheeze Without Milk!

    Add yours

    1. Oh emm gee! I would love to get some of your Dill and Garlic Feta. I live in MD. I know when I bought some of the Dr. Cow cheese, they offered freeze bags and boxes…hmmmm. I’m in MD, so it’s not that far from NJ…

    2. Zoe ~ send this to whole foods and trader joes.
      Thank you for your continued food wonders..cant wait to see it in the stores in OREGON

    3. Yes… Zoe,
      whole foods and trader joes! agree with Selena!

      looks like your roots have come circle to serve you well… total cheese lover here! the dill garlic and the herb feta sound delicious!

      will see if we know anyone with an inside on those two chains.

      isn’t it fun to have your passion find you!?

      kudos to you!

    4. oooh oooh oooh, I just had my first Raw Tasting Event last Thursday night too. It was madness (but good madness). I am still on a high from it. You can see photos over at my blog if you are interested.

      From one raw chef to another, good luck and I bet you are just loving being in your kitchen in the lead up!!!

    5. wow! Looks amazing! I’m in Australia so I won’t be buying any 😦 but what a great job 🙂

    6. Oh my gosh that looks fantastic!! Please if you find a way to send I really want some!! I am in Saint Louis, MO

    7. Have you written the non-dairy, cheese making process in a book? Is it for sale? That would be a good way for those of us that don’t have access (don’t live in the US) to it, to be able to enjoy it and you would also make some money.

    8. Love Your Blog!! I am in Canada, if you made a book I would buy one, and I’m sure my family and friends would too!! 🙂

    9. I appreciate your efforts to teach us about water kefir making and your feta looks wonderful! Do you have an e-book?

    10. Connie, please subscribe and follow my blog because I will be posting more videos from the Chef Zoe’s Raw Food Basics in the coming months. You may want to try some of the recipes shown there.

    11. Sharon, the Feta is now one of my company’s signature products. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to share the recipe but you are welcome to purchase and try it. 🙂

    12. That cheeze looks amazing! I’d like to order some but can you list the ingredients? I don’t usually buy things without knowing whats in it, plus I have a few allergies(luckily not to nuts lol).

    13. Sure. The basic ingredients for the Feta Cheeze are:

      Cashews*, Irish moss, Filtered water, Dairy-free Acidophilus, Bifidus & FOS, Nutritional yeast, Basil*, Oregano*, Thyme*, Lemon*, Himalayan pink salt.

      Please email me at if you’d like to place an order. The cheeze is my best seller and you won’t be disappointed. 🙂

    14. Hi, would you please tell me how you made your non dairy cheese. I would love to make it.

    15. Elena, the recipe is a proprietary information that cannot be disclosed. However, you can purchase them from my company RAWbundant Foods. We are currently in transition and will be back into production shortly.

    16. Sandra, this question has already been answered. The recipe is a proprietary information of my company RAWbundant. You are welcome to purchase the products if you wish.

    17. I’m just wondering if you know if you can store store bought feta in kefir whey in the fridge? I just put the feta in the kefir whey and I wouldn’t want to get sick. Thanks heaps 🙂

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